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Florida Association of Private Investigators Listserv Rules and Etiquette

To ensure the best possible experience for all Discussion Group members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.
By joining and using our e-mail lists, you agree that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service [or Use] for using our Discussion Boards, and further agree to follow the rules and guidelines set forth below. You also agree to reserve list discussions for investigative topics best suited to this medium. This is a great way to solicit the advice of your peers, offer and accept referrals benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing dialogue relevant to our profession.
  1. Be sure to include a descriptive subject line. E-mails with no subject line may likely be perceived as spam by an email filter and be deleted before reaching the recipient's inbox. If the topic is changed, please change the subject line.
  1. FAPI Listserves are intended for distributing investigative topic-related information that the list members might benefit from sharing.
  1. Personal replies should be directed to specific individuals rather than to the entire list. (There is a link at the bottom of each page to send a response ONLY to the sender).
  1. FAPI listserv lists may not be used for the solicitation, promotion, or sales of commercial products or services except as may be pre-authorized. 
  1. Do not challenge or attack others. The discussions are meant to stimulate conversation, not to create contention.
  1. Defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, religious, racist, sexist or illegal topics are strictly prohibited.
  1. FAPI listserv lists may not be used for any political purposes except as may be permitted by the IRS, especially political comments or discussions not directly related to investigations or licensing. Doing so may violate our 501(c) non-profit status.
  1. There shall be no discussion of fees.
  1. Be aware of the problems caused when using auto-responders or auto-replies to messages received via a mailing list.
  1. Include a signature tag on all messages. At minimum, include your full name, (not just your first name or initials), affiliation, location, and e- mail address.
  1. Messages such as "thanks for the information" or "me, too" should go PRIVATELY to individuals--not to the entire list.
In order to preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, FAPI reserves the right to suspend, have messages moderated for approval or terminate access to all lists for violation of these rules.

Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved

P.O. Box 21158
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33335-1158
Phone: (954) 278-9459

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