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The Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Florida. The Document Number for this corporation is P05000163133. The date of refiling the incorporation was December 15, 2005 and was filed by Harvey E. Morse, President, and Ari S. Morse, Vice-President. The corporate mailing address is: 2435 South Ridgewood Avenue, Volusia County, South Daytona, Florida, 32119.

Article I. Name

The name of this corporation is the Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as either the “Association” or “FAPI”).

Article II. Mission and Vision

The mission of the Association is to bring all Private Investigators together, primarily those who are licensed in the State of Florida, in addition to suppliers of services, education, training and equipment. The Association is dedicated to improving the professionalism of the industry, affecting change in legislation or other governing rules and regulations when necessary, promoting a positive image of the private investigative profession to society, and attempting to resolve issues of concern. It shall also be a source of educational training for the professional enhancement of its members. It shall have an Annual Meeting and shall attempt to make that experience accessible to the widest possible audience. The Association may initiate, present or participate in activities and functions in support of its mission, including promoting the advantages of utilizing private investigative services to the legal community and the general public. It is the goal of this organization to allow membership to the greatest number of Florida licensees, to ensure that the Association has the strongest voice for the profession in the State of Florida.

Article III. Membership

Section 1.

The Association shall have the following categories of membership: Active, Associate, Affiliate, Honorary, Active-Life, Life, and Emeritus. The Executive Committee may, upon majority vote, establish additional membership categories and the criteria for same, and may revoke any membership regardless of category, by a two-thirds vote.

Charter Member:

At the inception of this Association, a limited number of Charter Memberships were made available at a special fee, which granted the privilege of using the designation, “Charter Member.” Each Charter Member met all of the requirements of an Active Member. Charter Memberships are no longer available.

Active Member:

Individuals and business entities holding a current Florida investigative license, pursuant to Florida State Statute Chapter 493, or any successor statute, shall be eligible to become an Active Member of the Association.

Active – Life Member:

Individual and business entities who have qualified for and become an “Active Member” of the Association and who wish to express their long-term commitment and dedication to FAPI may request that the Executive Committee allow them to meet the requirements, as established by them for designation as an Active - Life member of the Association.

At the first Executive Committee meeting following the Annual Meeting each year, or at any other time, the Executive Committee may establish criteria and set a one-time fee required to attain “Active - Life” membership status. For the purposes of interpretation of these By-Laws, an Active - Life Member shall be granted all the rights and privileges of an “Active Member” with the exception that all future dues obligations shall be waived. Active - Life Members shall be subject to all of the rules and regulations of an Active Member.

Associate Member:

Individuals and business entities holding similar licenses from other states, jurisdictions or countries including individuals in any recognized form of law enforcement or public safety, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member of the Association.

Affiliate Member:

Individuals, suppliers, or business entities in allied fields or support services, shall be eligible to become an Affiliate Member of the Association.

Honorary Member:

An Honorary Membership may be granted by the Executive Committee by majority vote. Honorary membership carries no privileges of membership except as may be granted by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors. No dues or assessments shall be applicable to this membership category.

Life Member:

Active or Associate Members who have reached the age of sixty-five years, and who have maintained licensure as a private investigator for at least 15 consecutive years, may apply to the Executive Committee for Life Membership. If granted, all dues, if any, shall be waived. Maintenance of licensure shall not be required, and they shall be entitled to vote at meetings. Life members shall not be eligible to hold an elected position on the Board of Directors.

Emeritus Member:

The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may grant Emeritus Membership status to any Active, Associate, Affiliate, or Life Member. Emeritus Members shall have all the rights and privileges granted to an Active member. If granted, all dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.

Founding Director Emeritus Member:

The initial Board of Directors by majority vote has granted to Harvey E. Morse, the Founder of this organization, irrevocable Founding Director Emeritus status. He shall have all rights and privileges granted to an Active Member and serve as a member of the Executive Committee without any obligation to attend, nor penalty for not attending meetings. All dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.


Ari S. Morse has been elected an irrevocable life member of the Executive Committee without any obligation to attend, nor penalty for not attending meetings.

All dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.

Student Member:

The Board of Directors recognizes and applauds those persons who are unlicensed but currently enrolled in or are otherwise attending or participating in recognized educational facilities, training facilities, course instruction including on-line, for the purpose of enhancing their education to potentially become a member of this profession. Student members shall have such rights and privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors. To be eligible for this membership category, the student must be sponsored by an existing member in good standing.

Section 2:

The President shall appoint a Membership Chair who will establish a Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall create an application form(s), and establish its own rules, criteria, policies and procedures for membership which they may modify, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

No person who is otherwise qualified for membership may be turned down for reasons of financial hardship, upon proof thereof, to the satisfaction of the President. All such personal discussions between the member and the President regarding personal finances and hardship shall be kept in strict confidence.

Section 4.

Each member of the Association agrees to be bound by the Association’s Code of Ethics, By-Laws, rules, regulations and policies, as may be adopted or amended by the Executive Committee. All members give their consent to be photographed, video or audio recorded at all meetings, gatherings, at association functions and trainings, and to have their photograph or video images used for marketing and promotional purposes of FAPI without additional permissions or compensation.

Section 5.

No member of the Association shall be personally liable for the debts or obligations of the Association, nor shall any member have the authority to enter into any contracts or agreements on behalf of the Association without the advance prior authority of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided herein.

Section 6.

Membership in good standing is defined as being current in all financial obligations to this Association and not under any disciplinary sanctions, being investigated regarding any violation of these By-Laws or the Code of Ethics, or being the subject of any ongoing governmental action or complaint.

Article IV. Meetings and Voting

Section 1.

Active Members shall be entitled to attend the Association’s Annual Meeting, any regularly scheduled or special meetings, to vote for members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, be elected to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, and to enjoy such other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors.

Associate Members may attend the association’s Annual Meeting, any regular or special meetings, and may exercise other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors. Associate and/or Affiliate Members may have the right to vote on certain issues as determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for those specific issues.

All other members shall be entitled to attend the association’s Annual Meeting and may exercise such other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

The date, time, and location of the Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Association shall be determined by the Executive Committee, which may be in-person, by email or virtually, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

Notice of the date, time, and place of the Annual, Virtual or Electronic Meeting shall be published to the membership via the FAPI website, not less than three (3) weeks prior thereto.

Section 4.

The presence in person of fifteen (15) Active members qualified to vote, shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting, be it in-person, virtually or electronically. For the purpose of this Section, members who have been granted,

or members in categories that grant the right or privilege to vote at meetings shall be counted to establish a quorum.

Section 5.

All meetings of the association, including the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Committees shall be conducted in accordance with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order when not in conflict with these By-Laws. The President may appoint a Parliamentarian proficient in Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedures, who may attend all meetings. The Parliamentarian shall be eligible to vote only if otherwise qualified by virtue of another position of membership, and the Parliamentarian if appointed, shall oversee any elections.

Section 6.

Area Directors are strongly encouraged to hold local meetings, gatherings, social events, dinners, educational seminars, and legislative caucuses, all subject to the prior approval of the Executive Committee. No actions may be promulgated or taken at these meetings that may bind or affect the Association as a whole.

Section 7.

All meetings of the Association shall be open to categories of membership permitting same, except when called into Executive Session pursuant to the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Members realize and waive any objections that due to unexpected circumstances or exigent conditions, there may be insufficient time to publish notice or provide notice.

Section 8.

Meetings including voting by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, or any other committee may be conducted in-person, by telephone conference, video conference, any combination thereof, or by any other electronic means providing all those who are eligible to participate to have an opportunity to take part.

Voting results at meetings conducted via e-mail, electronically or virtually shall be maintained by the Secretary. This requirement shall not be necessary when voting for initial membership approval, unless in the event of a controversy.

Section 9.

The Association shall hold at least one Executive Committee meeting per calendar quarter.

Article V. Officers and Board of Directors

To hold elected office as a member of the Board of Directors, a member must qualify for the Active membership category, be in good standing, have a valid current private investigative license pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 493 or any successor statute and whose Florida State license has never been revoked, or suspended, and who has never been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, and is not the subject of any ongoing disciplinary or grievance investigation. If a grievance matter, the Executive Committee shall decide on the candidate’s eligibility.

Section 1.

The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee in addition to those duly appointed to the Board of Directors and shall not exceed more than thirty-five (35) members. It shall, at a minimum, include the members of the Executive Committee, Area Directors, and any Directors Emeritus. Its primary role shall be that of advisors to the Executive Committee in addition to the powers granted herein. The Executive Committee shall have the right to change, modify or alter the number of Directors.

Section 2.

The term of office of an Officer or Director shall be for one year except for the President, who shall serve a two year term and may serve two additional two year terms. Members of the Executive Committee other than permanent members may serve three consecutive one year terms regardless of position. If a current member of the Executive Committee is successful in becoming President, then the years served as a member of the Executive Committee shall not be counted when assuming office as President. and Directors may serve unlimited one year terms. All officers and Directors shall serve until their successors have been duly elected and assume office. Vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee until the next election. The immediate Past President shall serve together with the term of the current President. Any elected Officer or Director who no longer meets membership requirements or whose membership has been revoked or suspended by the Executive Committee, or whose Florida State license has been revoked, or suspended, or who has been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, shall be deemed to have resigned their position and membership, as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may honor any person who has had a significant long-term involvement with the Association for its benefit or the benefit of the industry, as a Director Emeritus. A Director Emeritus shall have voting privileges at all meetings, including Board of Director meetings, is relieved of any and all mandatory financial and attendance obligations, and may have any other privileges as may be conferred by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Section 4.

Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend in-person, by phone, by web conference or via email regular and special Board meetings, the Annual Meeting, and actively participate in at least one operating committee. Any member of the Board of Directors, who without having been previously excused by the President, misses three (3) meetings of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors during the fiscal year, shall be automatically dismissed from their position.

Section 5.

Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors, including any vacancy created by an increase in the number of Directors, resignation, termination or incapacity of a member, may be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee. A Director so chosen to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the next election of Directors. A member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors may request the President to allow a temporary leave of absence due to personal or medical reasons, and if granted, all obligations shall cease until their return. The time period requested for absence must be reasonable so as not to adversely affect the continuing operation of the association.

Section 6.

All corporate powers shall be exercised by and under the authority of the Executive Committee. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1st through December 31st.

Section 7.

There shall be a minimum of one meeting of the Board of Directors per calendar quarter, the date and location of which is to be determined by the Executive Committee. It may be held in conjunction with a meeting of the Executive Committee or on its own. All members of the Executive Committee may attend and be heard. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, by a

majority vote of the Executive Committee, or by written request of five (5) members of the Board of Directors in good standing. Thirty percent (30%) of the Board of Directors including the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any scheduled Board meeting.

Section 8.

Board of Directors members and members of the Executive Committee shall serve as such without compensation, however, with approval of the Executive Committee and proper documentation, Board of Directors and Executive Committee members may be reimbursed for actual out-of-pocket expenses for expenditures made on behalf of the association, providing there is proper documentation and funds available for this purpose. Members of the Executive Committee are exempt from annual dues and conference fees.

Section 9.

The Treasurer, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall establish the amount that each member category shall contribute to the Association as dues for each fiscal year, take into consideration pro-rata dues discounted dues, or special promotional dues if they so choose, and set deadlines for the receipt of payment. The Executive Committee shall also have the right to determine if there shall be dues or not, based upon concurrence of the availability of other sources of revenue such as fund-raising, donations, payment for certificates, training, or other Association material and/or logo bearing products. Participation in membership or special events by any member who is financially incapable of contributing may be waived, or the financial requirement may be waived, at the sole discretion of the President. Any such personal discussions between the member and the President regarding personal finances and hardship shall be kept in strict confidence.

Section 10.

All Directors and members shall advise the 1st Vice-President of any and all fundraising activities for advance approval, prior to the commencement of the activity.

Section 11.

The Executive Committee is empowered to establish and authorize the use of FAPI designations after a member’s name, by creating criteria for same. Qualifications may be based upon length of licensure, experience, areas of specialties and practice, type of license, examinations, attendance at specific events, seminars, and so forth, and may include Associate members.

Section 12.

The Board of Directors encourages members in good standing to utilize the official FAPI logo for advertising, including on business cards, letterheads, newspaper advertisement, the yellow-pages, or any electronic media including social media email and written signature lines and the Internet. Members are also urged to publicly indicate they are members of FAPI. Members should keep in mind that the Association seeks a positive image with the public, government, other members, other associations and clients, and all communications and conduct including the use of the FAPI name should be professional and courteous.

Disciplinary action ranging from censure to revocation of membership for misuse or inappropriate use of the e-mail newsgroup or misuse or disparaging use of the FAPI name, shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee, in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy set forth herein. However, the President and/or Chair of the Communications Committee shall be authorized to immediately suspend the offending member(s) from use of the list, until a final determination of any disciplinary action or grievance is determined.

Section 13.

In the event of non-renewal, suspension or revocation of membership, the use of the FAPI logo or any association with the name FAPI or Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. must cease immediately. Membership plaques, certificates, and/or identification cards issued by the association shall remain the property of the Association, and must be returned if requested, by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Failure to abide after notice, shall be grounds for litigation and the offending member agrees to be responsible for all of FAPI’s legal fees, costs and expenses.

Article VI. Executive Committee / Officers

Section 1.

To hold elected office as an Officer a member must qualify for the Active membership category, be in good standing, have a valid current private investigative license pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 493 or any successor statute and whose Florida State license has never been revoked, or suspended, and who has never been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, and is not the subject of any ongoing disciplinary or grievance investigation. If a grievance matter, the Executive Committee shall decide on the candidate’s eligibility.

The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, immediate Past-President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Founding Director Emeritus, and Co-Founder. No member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors shall be permitted to concurrently be a Board Member, Director or Executive Officer of any other Florida Statewide private investigative association. This restriction shall not apply to any professionally recognized national or international association, educational association, or an official State entity, as determined by the Executive Committee.

All Officer positions may be jointly held by a maximum of two (2) qualified people due to unusual circumstances, as and if determined by the Executive Committee. Each office holder and co-office holder shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. No more than two elected members of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors may be from the same business entity.

Section 2.

The duties of the President are to preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the membership, and to enter into all contracts duly authorized by the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons of all standing and special committees, approve all members thereof, remove members therefrom and perform such other duties appropriate to the office. The President may attend any association or committee meeting and, shall be ex-officio voting member of all committees. The President is authorized to expend up to three-hundred dollars ($300) for emergency purchases on behalf of the Association, when prior Executive Committee approval is not practical or possible, and must explain same to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors as soon as possible no later than the next Executive Committee meeting.

Section 3.

The 1st Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President if the latter is not able to do so, shall chair the Fundraising Committee and provide fundraising status reports no less than at each Executive Committee or Board of Directors’ meeting. The 1st Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, or when the President wishes to take part in debate. The 2nd Vice-President and 3rd Vice-President shall assist the 1st Vice-President to carry out the duties of the President in successive order, if the President is not able to do so.

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall be a permanent member of the Executive Committee, is responsible for accounting for all financial receipts and disbursements and shall present a financial report at each regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting if asked in advance and at any other time as directed by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, at the Treasurer’s own initiative, or when asked by the President. The Treasurer will also be the Chair and a voting member of the Finance Committee. If the treasurer shall concurrently hold the office of Secretary, the Secretary/Treasurer position shall have only one vote.

Section 5.

The Secretary or Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Board, Executive Committee, and membership meetings, and shall be responsible for distributing such minutes electronically or in writing to all members of the Board at least one (1) week prior to the next meeting of the Board of Directors, including the emailing of recordings. The Secretary or Recording Secretary shall maintain a “Motions Book.” This shall be a permanent record of the final wording of all motions, including amendments, passed by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall be responsible to maintain all records of the Association, ensure that they are properly maintained by the corporate office, and that they shall be reasonably available when needed or when requested by the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the distribution and delivery of information and documents, when so required by these By-Laws, or when so instructed by the President, Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee shall have the right to select a non-member, non-licensee, or member from any category including the Advisory Board, to be the Recording Secretary whose function shall be to make record of the minutes of meetings which may be done via notes, video, or audio recording device, and may be assigned other secretarial functions. This person shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee, shall not have voting rights on the Executive Committee, and may be compensated at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have the right to select a non-member, non-licensee, or member from any category including the Advisory Board, to be the Executive Director whose functions shall be determined by the Executive Committee. This person shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee, shall not have voting rights on the Executive Committee unless a member and authorized to vote by the category of membership, and may be compensated at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Section 6.

The immediate Past-President if in good standing, shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee, have the right to attend any and all meetings, shall be considered as an advisor, and shall have no specific duties unless authorized by the Board, or are voluntarily accepted.

Section 7.

Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by written request of three (3) members of said Committee. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8.

The State of Florida shall be divided into a minimum of five (5) geographical areas, with Area Directors for each, and shall include the South, North, East, West and Central sections; however, the Board of Directors together with the Executive Committee may add additional areas or re-define areas and other duties as set forth herein, as they may deem necessary. The Area Directors shall be responsible for membership recruiting and local area gatherings and functions. A maximum of two (2) persons, may, serve as Co-Area Directors, and share the duties and responsibilities. Each Area Director and Co-Area Director shall each be a full voting member of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors shall have the right to amend, modify, combine or change the Areas or duties described above.

ARTICLE VII. Advisory Board

The President, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, may establish an Advisory Board, consisting of individuals who are prominent in the investigative field, who do not hold a Florida Chapter 493 license. The length of terms of service on the Advisory Board shall be determined by the President, who shall also have the authority to remove any Advisory Board member. The Advisory Board shall exist to assist the President, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to manage the association, and to provide input to Committee Chairs or input of their own initiative when requested. The Advisory Board shall have voting authority amongst itself, but no voting authority elsewhere, and may attend Board of Director meetings. It may establish its own operating policies, procedures and functionality, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Advisory Board members shall not be required to pay dues.

Article VIII. Election of Officers, Members of the Board of Directors and Area Directors

1. All candidates shall be required to complete a questionnaire prepared by the Executive Committee, and all questions must be answered and meet the requirements of the office.

2. All completed questionnaires shall be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to an established deadline.

3. There shall be no nominations from the floor nor nominations for office except as provided herein, and no extensions granted for additional applications after the deadline.

4. Current members of the Executive Committee shall be permitted to submit their own name for office to the Executive Committee, without the necessity of completing a questionnaire.

5. Members of the Executive Committee shall only be allowed to serve for a period of three consecutive years with the exception of the Founder and Co-Founder who hold life membership on the Executive Committee, and the office of Treasurer, who shall also hold Life Membership on the Executive Committee. If a member of the Executive Committee becomes President, any previous time that person served on the Executive Committee shall be considered as being non-existent.

6. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a person may serve on the Board of Directors.

7. Each term of office for the President shall be two years. The President may hold two additional concurrent terms in that office.

8. The immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee together with the current President and shall remain during any subsequent terms of the current President.

9. The Executive Committee shall select members for the position of Area Directors and Board of Directors and may fill vacancies thereon by majority vote.

10. The Executive Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates by majority vote, and all shall be elected to office by the casting of one vote by any FAPI member in good standing during any regular, special or annual meeting. There shall be no contested elections.

11. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to remove any non-life member of the Executive Committee from the Executive Committee, by a majority vote with or without cause.

12. There shall be no automatic ascension to any office.

Article IX. Standing and Special Committees

The President shall appoint Chairpersons of all standing and special committees necessary to conduct the business of the association within thirty (30) days of taking office who shall be members in good standing. Chairpersons shall be responsible for appointing their committee members with the President’s approval and are to notify the Board of Directors of those persons selected within twenty (20) days after appointment, The President may also appoint Co-Chairpersons and, in that event, the Co-Chairs shall each have one Committee vote. The President may remove any committee member or Chair for any reason with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors in conjunction with the Executive Committee shall have the right to determine which Standing or special Committees shall be activated.

The Standing Committees shall include but are not limited to:

• Finance Committee
• Fund Raising
• Social Events
• Legislative Liaison
• Grievance/Ethics
• Education
• Communications/Website
• Newsletter
• Nominating Committee
• Membership

All Chairpersons and Co-Chairs of Committees must be “Active” category members, except as otherwise provided herein. All such committees of the Association, as well as all other committees established by the President or by majority vote of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors, shall function subject to and under the direction of the Executive Committee.

The Chairperson and/or Co-Chairs of each Standing Committee, with the assistance and concurrence of the Executive Committee shall annually define the duties and responsibilities of their Committee. The President, Executive Committee or the Board of Directors may authorize the establishment of Special Committees, the duties and responsibilities of which shall be defined by the Executive Committee.

Article X Committee Make-up

All committees shall consist of no less than a Chairperson and two (2) additional members, not including any ex-officio members as provided for in these By-Laws. Chairpersons may select committee members from any category of membership, including non-voting Associate or Affiliate members, or non-association members because of a unique or special skill pre-approved by the Executive Committee due to a demonstrated particular expertise or unique skill, needed by the committee for the betterment of the Association.

Article XI By-Law Amendments

The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting or special meeting of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote of those present in-person or by any other acceptable means as provided elsewhere herein, provided the amendment(s) has been submitted to all members of the Executive Committee no less than one week prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be voted on. Copies of the current By-Laws, Code of Ethics and Grievance Procedures shall be available for examination at the Association’s usual place of business or on the FAPI Website.

All member proposed changes to the By-Laws shall be submitted to the By-Laws’ Committee for review, evaluation, modification or rejection and thereafter submitted by the By-Law Committee with its recommendation to the Executive Committee. By-Law changes shall take effect immediately upon approval by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Article XII Disciplinary Procedures

Section 1.

A member may be disciplined based upon the good faith determination of the Executive Committee that the member has violated the By-Laws, Code of Ethics of this Association, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the purposes and best interests of the Association. Such discipline may include, but shall not be limited to: a reprimand, censure, suspension from office, removal from the Board of Directors or any elected, volunteer or committee position for a period of time determined by the Executive Committee, or revocation of membership status in the Association. A member of the Executive Committee may be removed for cause by a 2/3rds majority vote of the Board of Directors. A grievance procedural policy has been published, is in effect, shall be followed, and shall appear on the FAPI website.

Section 2.

In the event that any actions or complaints are filed by a governmental authority against a member, wheresoever situated, or by grievance, the Executive Committee shall make the determination whether the member is in good standing based upon the facts and circumstances presented. Should the actions or complaints be dismissed, with a determination of no culpability, the member shall be immediately reinstated.

Section 3.

A person, whose membership in the Association has been suspended or judged to not be in good standing, may request re-admission and return to a status of good standing in the Association by applying to the Membership Committee. If membership had been revoked, a new application is required no less than one year from the date of revocation.

A. The Executive Committee may, on a case-by-case basis, determine the period of time which must elapse after the application of disciplinary action before a request for re-admission to membership may be filed, but in no event shall that be less than thirty (30) days. Any individual whose membership in the Association has been revoked must submit a new application for membership to the Membership Committee for its consideration, no less than one year from the date of revocation. When considering such an application the Committee shall give weight to the former member’s compliance with the terms and conditions of any assessed former disciplinary action, whether or not the individual currently meets the requirements for membership in a membership category and whether or not re-admission of the individual is in the best interest of the Association. The findings of the Committee, both pro and con, shall be presented to the Executive Committee for acceptance or rejection of the application.

B. Membership and disciplinary decisions shall be final, and there shall be no appeal.

Article XIII Profits and Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution

No member shall ever receive any dividends or personal financial benefits from the undertakings of the Association except those openly engaged in supplying

products or services to the members or contracted for such. All Association profits derived, if any, shall be maintained by the Association and be used solely and exclusively for the advancement of the Association and its goals. Upon dissolution of this organization, all of the Association’s assets remaining after payment of all costs, debts and expenses of such dissolution shall be distributed to organizations which have qualified for exemption under the Federal Internal Revenue Code, presently §501 (c)(3), or to the Federal Government or to a State of local government for a like public purpose, as determined by the Executive Committee, and none of the assets shall be distributed to any member, officer, employee, committee member or trustee of the Association unless for the reimbursement of an Association debt.



A downloadable PDF copy of the FAPI Code of Ethics can be obtained by Clicking Here.                                   

The Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Florida. The Document Number for this corporation is P05000163133. The date of refiling the incorporation was December 15, 2005 and was filed by Harvey E. Morse, President, and Ari S. Morse, Vice-President. The corporate mailing address is: 2435 South Ridgewood Avenue, Volusia County, South Daytona, Florida, 32119.

Article I. Name

The name of this corporation is the Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as either the “Association” or “FAPI”).

Article II. Mission and Vision

The mission of the Association is to bring all Private Investigators together, primarily those who are licensed in the State of Florida, in addition to suppliers of services, education, training and equipment. The Association is dedicated to improving the professionalism of the industry, affecting change in legislation or other governing rules and regulations when necessary, promoting a positive image of the private investigative profession to society, and attempting to resolve issues of concern. It shall also be a source of educational training for the professional enhancement of its members. It shall have an Annual Meeting and shall attempt to make that experience accessible to the widest possible audience. The Association may initiate, present or participate in activities and functions in support of its mission, including promoting the advantages of utilizing private investigative services to the legal community and the general public. It is the goal of this organization to allow membership to the greatest number of Florida licensees, to ensure that the Association has the strongest voice for the profession in the State of Florida.

Article III. Membership

Section 1.

The Association shall have the following categories of membership: Active, Associate, Affiliate, Honorary, Active-Life, Life, and Emeritus. The Executive Committee may, upon majority vote, establish additional membership categories and the criteria for same, and may revoke any membership regardless of category, by a two-thirds vote.

Charter Member:

At the inception of this Association, a limited number of Charter Memberships were made available at a special fee, which granted the privilege of using the designation, “Charter Member.” Each Charter Member met all of the requirements of an Active Member. Charter Memberships are no longer available.

Active Member:

Individuals and business entities holding a current Florida investigative license, pursuant to Florida State Statute Chapter 493, or any successor statute, shall be eligible to become an Active Member of the Association.

Active – Life Member:

Individual and business entities who have qualified for and become an “Active Member” of the Association and who wish to express their long-term commitment and dedication to FAPI may request that the Executive Committee allow them to meet the requirements, as established by them for designation as an Active - Life member of the Association.

At the first Executive Committee meeting following the Annual Meeting each year, or at any other time, the Executive Committee may establish criteria and set a one-time fee required to attain “Active - Life” membership status. For the purposes of interpretation of these By-Laws, an Active - Life Member shall be granted all the rights and privileges of an “Active Member” with the exception that all future dues obligations shall be waived. Active - Life Members shall be subject to all of the rules and regulations of an Active Member.

Associate Member:

Individuals and business entities holding similar licenses from other states, jurisdictions or countries including individuals in any recognized form of law enforcement or public safety, shall be eligible to become an Associate Member of the Association.

Affiliate Member:

Individuals, suppliers, or business entities in allied fields or support services, shall be eligible to become an Affiliate Member of the Association.

Honorary Member:

An Honorary Membership may be granted by the Executive Committee by majority vote. Honorary membership carries no privileges of membership except as may be granted by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors. No dues or assessments shall be applicable to this membership category.

Life Member:

Active or Associate Members who have reached the age of sixty-five years, and who have maintained licensure as a private investigator for at least 15 consecutive years, may apply to the Executive Committee for Life Membership. If granted, all dues, if any, shall be waived. Maintenance of licensure shall not be required, and they shall be entitled to vote at meetings. Life members shall not be eligible to hold an elected position on the Board of Directors.

Emeritus Member:

The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may grant Emeritus Membership status to any Active, Associate, Affiliate, or Life Member. Emeritus Members shall have all the rights and privileges granted to an Active member. If granted, all dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.

Founding Director Emeritus Member:

The initial Board of Directors by majority vote has granted to Harvey E. Morse, the Founder of this organization, irrevocable Founding Director Emeritus status. He shall have all rights and privileges granted to an Active Member and serve as a member of the Executive Committee without any obligation to attend, nor penalty for not attending meetings. All dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.


Ari S. Morse has been elected an irrevocable life member of the Executive Committee without any obligation to attend, nor penalty for not attending meetings.

All dues if any shall be waived, and maintenance of licensure shall not be required.

Student Member:

The Board of Directors recognizes and applauds those persons who are unlicensed but currently enrolled in or are otherwise attending or participating in recognized educational facilities, training facilities, course instruction including on-line, for the purpose of enhancing their education to potentially become a member of this profession. Student members shall have such rights and privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors. To be eligible for this membership category, the student must be sponsored by an existing member in good standing.

Section 2:

The President shall appoint a Membership Chair who will establish a Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall create an application form(s), and establish its own rules, criteria, policies and procedures for membership which they may modify, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

No person who is otherwise qualified for membership may be turned down for reasons of financial hardship, upon proof thereof, to the satisfaction of the President. All such personal discussions between the member and the President regarding personal finances and hardship shall be kept in strict confidence.

Section 4.

Each member of the Association agrees to be bound by the Association’s Code of Ethics, By-Laws, rules, regulations and policies, as may be adopted or amended by the Executive Committee. All members give their consent to be photographed, video or audio recorded at all meetings, gatherings, at association functions and trainings, and to have their photograph or video images used for marketing and promotional purposes of FAPI without additional permissions or compensation.

Section 5.

No member of the Association shall be personally liable for the debts or obligations of the Association, nor shall any member have the authority to enter into any contracts or agreements on behalf of the Association without the advance prior authority of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided herein.

Section 6.

Membership in good standing is defined as being current in all financial obligations to this Association and not under any disciplinary sanctions, being investigated regarding any violation of these By-Laws or the Code of Ethics, or being the subject of any ongoing governmental action or complaint.

Article IV. Meetings and Voting

Section 1.

Active Members shall be entitled to attend the Association’s Annual Meeting, any regularly scheduled or special meetings, to vote for members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, be elected to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, and to enjoy such other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors.

Associate Members may attend the association’s Annual Meeting, any regular or special meetings, and may exercise other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors. Associate and/or Affiliate Members may have the right to vote on certain issues as determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for those specific issues.

All other members shall be entitled to attend the association’s Annual Meeting and may exercise such other privileges as may be granted by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

The date, time, and location of the Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Association shall be determined by the Executive Committee, which may be in-person, by email or virtually, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

Notice of the date, time, and place of the Annual, Virtual or Electronic Meeting shall be published to the membership via the FAPI website, not less than three (3) weeks prior thereto.

Section 4.

The presence in person of fifteen (15) Active members qualified to vote, shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting, be it in-person, virtually or electronically. For the purpose of this Section, members who have been granted,

or members in categories that grant the right or privilege to vote at meetings shall be counted to establish a quorum.

Section 5.

All meetings of the association, including the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Committees shall be conducted in accordance with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order when not in conflict with these By-Laws. The President may appoint a Parliamentarian proficient in Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedures, who may attend all meetings. The Parliamentarian shall be eligible to vote only if otherwise qualified by virtue of another position of membership, and the Parliamentarian if appointed, shall oversee any elections.

Section 6.

Area Directors are strongly encouraged to hold local meetings, gatherings, social events, dinners, educational seminars, and legislative caucuses, all subject to the prior approval of the Executive Committee. No actions may be promulgated or taken at these meetings that may bind or affect the Association as a whole.

Section 7.

All meetings of the Association shall be open to categories of membership permitting same, except when called into Executive Session pursuant to the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Members realize and waive any objections that due to unexpected circumstances or exigent conditions, there may be insufficient time to publish notice or provide notice.

Section 8.

Meetings including voting by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, or any other committee may be conducted in-person, by telephone conference, video conference, any combination thereof, or by any other electronic means providing all those who are eligible to participate to have an opportunity to take part.

Voting results at meetings conducted via e-mail, electronically or virtually shall be maintained by the Secretary. This requirement shall not be necessary when voting for initial membership approval, unless in the event of a controversy.

Section 9.

The Association shall hold at least one Executive Committee meeting per calendar quarter.

Article V. Officers and Board of Directors

To hold elected office as a member of the Board of Directors, a member must qualify for the Active membership category, be in good standing, have a valid current private investigative license pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 493 or any successor statute and whose Florida State license has never been revoked, or suspended, and who has never been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, and is not the subject of any ongoing disciplinary or grievance investigation. If a grievance matter, the Executive Committee shall decide on the candidate’s eligibility.

Section 1.

The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee in addition to those duly appointed to the Board of Directors and shall not exceed more than thirty-five (35) members. It shall, at a minimum, include the members of the Executive Committee, Area Directors, and any Directors Emeritus. Its primary role shall be that of advisors to the Executive Committee in addition to the powers granted herein. The Executive Committee shall have the right to change, modify or alter the number of Directors.

Section 2.

The term of office of an Officer or Director shall be for one year except for the President, who shall serve a two year term and may serve two additional two year terms. Members of the Executive Committee other than permanent members may serve three consecutive one year terms regardless of position. If a current member of the Executive Committee is successful in becoming President, then the years served as a member of the Executive Committee shall not be counted when assuming office as President. and Directors may serve unlimited one year terms. All officers and Directors shall serve until their successors have been duly elected and assume office. Vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee until the next election. The immediate Past President shall serve together with the term of the current President. Any elected Officer or Director who no longer meets membership requirements or whose membership has been revoked or suspended by the Executive Committee, or whose Florida State license has been revoked, or suspended, or who has been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, shall be deemed to have resigned their position and membership, as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may honor any person who has had a significant long-term involvement with the Association for its benefit or the benefit of the industry, as a Director Emeritus. A Director Emeritus shall have voting privileges at all meetings, including Board of Director meetings, is relieved of any and all mandatory financial and attendance obligations, and may have any other privileges as may be conferred by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Section 4.

Members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend in-person, by phone, by web conference or via email regular and special Board meetings, the Annual Meeting, and actively participate in at least one operating committee. Any member of the Board of Directors, who without having been previously excused by the President, misses three (3) meetings of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors during the fiscal year, shall be automatically dismissed from their position.

Section 5.

Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors, including any vacancy created by an increase in the number of Directors, resignation, termination or incapacity of a member, may be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee. A Director so chosen to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the next election of Directors. A member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors may request the President to allow a temporary leave of absence due to personal or medical reasons, and if granted, all obligations shall cease until their return. The time period requested for absence must be reasonable so as not to adversely affect the continuing operation of the association.

Section 6.

All corporate powers shall be exercised by and under the authority of the Executive Committee. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1st through December 31st.

Section 7.

There shall be a minimum of one meeting of the Board of Directors per calendar quarter, the date and location of which is to be determined by the Executive Committee. It may be held in conjunction with a meeting of the Executive Committee or on its own. All members of the Executive Committee may attend and be heard. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, by a

majority vote of the Executive Committee, or by written request of five (5) members of the Board of Directors in good standing. Thirty percent (30%) of the Board of Directors including the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any scheduled Board meeting.

Section 8.

Board of Directors members and members of the Executive Committee shall serve as such without compensation, however, with approval of the Executive Committee and proper documentation, Board of Directors and Executive Committee members may be reimbursed for actual out-of-pocket expenses for expenditures made on behalf of the association, providing there is proper documentation and funds available for this purpose.

Section 9.

The Treasurer, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall establish the amount that each member category shall contribute to the Association as dues for each fiscal year, take into consideration pro-rata dues discounted dues, or special promotional dues if they so choose, and set deadlines for the receipt of payment. The Executive Committee shall also have the right to determine if there shall be dues or not, based upon concurrence of the availability of other sources of revenue such as fund-raising, donations, payment for certificates, training, or other Association material and/or logo bearing products. Participation in membership or special events by any member who is financially incapable of contributing may be waived, or the financial requirement may be waived, at the sole discretion of the President. Any such personal discussions between the member and the President regarding personal finances and hardship shall be kept in strict confidence.

Section 10.

All Directors and members shall advise the 1st Vice-President of any and all fundraising activities for advance approval, prior to the commencement of the activity.

Section 11.

The Executive Committee is empowered to establish and authorize the use of FAPI designations after a member’s name, by creating criteria for same. Qualifications may be based upon length of licensure, experience, areas of specialties and practice, type of license, examinations, attendance at specific events, seminars, and so forth, and may include Associate members.

Section 12.

The Board of Directors encourages members in good standing to utilize the official FAPI logo for advertising, including on business cards, letterheads, newspaper advertisement, the yellow-pages, or any electronic media including social media email and written signature lines and the Internet. Members are also urged to publicly indicate they are members of FAPI. Members should keep in mind that the Association seeks a positive image with the public, government, other members, other associations and clients, and all communications and conduct including the use of the FAPI name should be professional and courteous.

Disciplinary action ranging from censure to revocation of membership for misuse or inappropriate use of the e-mail newsgroup or misuse or disparaging use of the FAPI name, shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee, in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy set forth herein. However, the President and/or Chair of the Communications Committee shall be authorized to immediately suspend the offending member(s) from use of the list, until a final determination of any disciplinary action or grievance is determined.

Section 13.

In the event of non-renewal, suspension or revocation of membership, the use of the FAPI logo or any association with the name FAPI or Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. must cease immediately. Membership plaques, certificates, and/or identification cards issued by the association shall remain the property of the Association, and must be returned if requested, by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Failure to abide after notice, shall be grounds for litigation and the offending member agrees to be responsible for all of FAPI’s legal fees, costs and expenses.

Article VI. Executive Committee / Officers

Section 1.

To hold elected office as an Officer a member must qualify for the Active membership category, be in good standing, have a valid current private investigative license pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 493 or any successor statute and whose Florida State license has never been revoked, or suspended, and who has never been convicted of a felony after issuance of their license, and is not the subject of any ongoing disciplinary or grievance investigation. If a grievance matter, the Executive Committee shall decide on the candidate’s eligibility.

The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, immediate Past-President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Founding Director Emeritus. No member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors shall be permitted to concurrently be a Board Member, Director or Executive Officer of any other Florida Statewide private investigative association. This restriction shall not apply to any professionally recognized national or international association, educational association, or an official State entity, as determined by the Executive Committee.

All Officer positions may be jointly held by a maximum of two (2) qualified people due to unusual circumstances, as and if determined by the Executive Committee. Each office holder and co-office holder shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. No more than two elected members of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors may be from the same business entity.

Section 2.

The duties of the President are to preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the membership, and to enter into all contracts duly authorized by the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons of all standing and special committees, approve all members thereof, remove members therefrom and perform such other duties appropriate to the office. The President may attend any association or committee meeting and, shall be ex-officio voting member of all committees. The President is authorized to expend up to three-hundred dollars ($300) for emergency purchases on behalf of the Association, when prior Executive Committee approval is not practical or possible, and must explain same to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors as soon as possible no later than the next Executive Committee meeting.

Section 3.

The 1st Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President if the latter is not able to do so, shall chair the Fundraising Committee and provide fundraising status reports no less than at each Executive Committee or Board of Directors’ meeting. The 1st Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, or when the President wishes to take part in debate. The 2nd Vice-President and 3rd Vice-President shall assist the 1st Vice-President to carry out the duties of the President in successive order, if the President is not able to do so.

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall be a permanent member of the Executive Committee, is responsible for accounting for all financial receipts and disbursements and shall present a financial report at each regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting if asked in advance and at any other time as directed by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, at the Treasurer’s own initiative, or when asked by the President. The Treasurer will also be the Chair and a voting member of the Finance Committee. If the treasurer shall concurrently hold the office of Secretary, the Secretary/Treasurer position shall have only one vote.

Section 5.

The Secretary or Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Board, Executive Committee, and membership meetings, and shall be responsible for distributing such minutes electronically or in writing to all members of the Board at least one (1) week prior to the next meeting of the Board of Directors, including the emailing of recordings. The Secretary or Recording Secretary shall maintain a “Motions Book.” This shall be a permanent record of the final wording of all motions, including amendments, passed by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall be responsible to maintain all records of the Association, ensure that they are properly maintained by the corporate office, and that they shall be reasonably available when needed or when requested by the President, Executive Committee or Board of Directors. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the distribution and delivery of information and documents, when so required by these By-Laws, or when so instructed by the President, Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee shall have the right to select a non-member, non-licensee, or member from any category including the Advisory Board, to be the Recording Secretary whose function shall be to make record of the minutes of meetings which may be done via notes, video, or audio recording device, and may be assigned other secretarial functions. This person shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee, shall not have voting rights on the Executive Committee, and may be compensated at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have the right to select a non-member, non-licensee, or member from any category including the Advisory Board, to be the Executive Director whose functions shall be determined by the Executive Committee. This person shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee, shall not have voting rights on the Executive Committee unless a member and authorized to vote by the category of membership, and may be compensated at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Section 6.

The immediate Past-President if in good standing, shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee, have the right to attend any and all meetings, shall be considered as an advisor, and shall have no specific duties unless authorized by the Board, or are voluntarily accepted.

Section 7.

Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by written request of three (3) members of said Committee. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8.

The State of Florida shall be divided into a minimum of five (5) geographical areas, with Area Directors for each, and shall include the South, North, East, West and Central sections; however, the Board of Directors together with the Executive Committee may add additional areas or re-define areas and other duties as set forth herein, as they may deem necessary. The Area Directors shall be responsible for membership recruiting and local area gatherings and functions. A maximum of two (2) persons, may, serve as Co-Area Directors, and share the duties and responsibilities. Each Area Director and Co-Area Director shall each be a full voting member of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors shall have the right to amend, modify, combine or change the Areas or duties described above.

ARTICLE VII. Advisory Board

The President, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, may establish an Advisory Board, consisting of individuals who are prominent in the investigative field, who do not hold a Florida Chapter 493 license. The length of terms of service on the Advisory Board shall be determined by the President, who shall also have the authority to remove any Advisory Board member. The Advisory Board shall exist to assist the President, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to manage the association, and to provide input to Committee Chairs or input of their own initiative when requested. The Advisory Board shall have voting authority amongst itself, but no voting authority elsewhere, and may attend Board of Director meetings. It may establish its own operating policies, procedures and functionality, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Advisory Board members shall not be required to pay dues.

Article VIII. Election of Officers, Members of the Board of Directors and Area Directors

1. All candidates shall be required to complete a questionnaire prepared by the Executive Committee, and all questions must be answered and meet the requirements of the office.

2. All completed questionnaires shall be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to an established deadline.

3. There shall be no nominations from the floor nor nominations for office except as provided herein, and no extensions granted for additional applications after the deadline.

4. Current members of the Executive Committee shall be permitted to submit their own name for office to the Executive Committee, without the necessity of completing a questionnaire.

5. Members of the Executive Committee shall only be allowed to serve for a period of three consecutive years with the exception of the Founder and Co-Founder who hold life membership on the Executive Committee, and the office of Treasurer, who shall also hold Life Membership on the Executive Committee. If a member of the Executive Committee becomes President, any previous time that person served on the Executive Committee shall be considered as being non-existent.

6. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a person may serve on the Board of Directors.

7. Each term of office for the President shall be two years. The President may hold two additional concurrent terms in that office.

8. The immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee together with the current President and shall remain during any subsequent terms of the current President.

9. The Executive Committee shall select members for the position of Area Directors and Board of Directors and may fill vacancies thereon by majority vote.

10. The Executive Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates by majority vote, and all shall be elected to office by the casting of one vote by any FAPI member in good standing during any regular, special or annual meeting. There shall be no contested elections.

11. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to remove any non-life member of the Executive Committee from the Executive Committee, by a majority vote with or without cause.

12. There shall be no automatic ascension to any office.

Article IX. Standing and Special Committees

The President shall appoint Chairpersons of all standing and special committees necessary to conduct the business of the association within thirty (30) days of taking office who shall be members in good standing. Chairpersons shall be responsible for appointing their committee members with the President’s approval and are to notify the Board of Directors of those persons selected within twenty (20) days after appointment, The President may also appoint Co-Chairpersons and, in that event, the Co-Chairs shall each have one Committee vote. The President may remove any committee member or Chair for any reason with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors in conjunction with the Executive Committee shall have the right to determine which Standing or special Committees shall be activated.

The Standing Committees shall include but are not limited to:

• Finance Committee
• Fund Raising
• Social Events
• Legislative Liaison
• Grievance/Ethics
• Education
• Communications/Website
• Newsletter
• Nominating Committee
• Membership

All Chairpersons and Co-Chairs of Committees must be “Active” category members, except as otherwise provided herein. All such committees of the Association, as well as all other committees established by the President or by majority vote of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors, shall function subject to and under the direction of the Executive Committee.

The Chairperson and/or Co-Chairs of each Standing Committee, with the assistance and concurrence of the Executive Committee shall annually define the duties and responsibilities of their Committee. The President, Executive Committee or the Board of Directors may authorize the establishment of Special Committees, the duties and responsibilities of which shall be defined by the Executive Committee.

Article X Committee Make-up

All committees shall consist of no less than a Chairperson and two (2) additional members, not including any ex-officio members as provided for in these By-Laws. Chairpersons may select committee members from any category of membership, including non-voting Associate or Affiliate members, or non-association members because of a unique or special skill pre-approved by the Executive Committee due to a demonstrated particular expertise or unique skill, needed by the committee for the betterment of the Association.

Article XI By-Law Amendments

The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting or special meeting of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote of those present in-person or by any other acceptable means as provided elsewhere herein, provided the amendment(s) has been submitted to all members of the Executive Committee no less than one week prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be voted on. Copies of the current By-Laws, Code of Ethics and Grievance Procedures shall be available for examination at the Association’s usual place of business or on the FAPI Website.

All member proposed changes to the By-Laws shall be submitted to the By-Laws’ Committee for review, evaluation, modification or rejection and thereafter submitted by the By-Law Committee with its recommendation to the Executive Committee. By-Law changes shall take effect immediately upon approval by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Article XII Disciplinary Procedures

Section 1.

A member may be disciplined based upon the good faith determination of the Executive Committee that the member has violated the By-Laws, Code of Ethics of this Association, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the purposes and best interests of the Association. Such discipline may include, but shall not be limited to: a reprimand, censure, suspension from office, removal from the Board of Directors or any elected, volunteer or committee position for a period of time determined by the Executive Committee, or revocation of membership status in the Association. A member of the Executive Committee may be removed for cause by a 2/3rds majority vote of the Board of Directors. A grievance procedural policy has been published, is in effect, shall be followed, and shall appear on the FAPI website.

Section 2.

In the event that any actions or complaints are filed by a governmental authority against a member, wheresoever situated, or by grievance, the Executive Committee shall make the determination whether the member is in good standing based upon the facts and circumstances presented. Should the actions or complaints be dismissed, with a determination of no culpability, the member shall be immediately reinstated.

Section 3.

A person, whose membership in the Association has been suspended or judged to not be in good standing, may request re-admission and return to a status of good standing in the Association by applying to the Membership Committee. If membership had been revoked, a new application is required no less than one year from the date of revocation.

A. The Executive Committee may, on a case-by-case basis, determine the period of time which must elapse after the application of disciplinary action before a request for re-admission to membership may be filed, but in no event shall that be less than thirty (30) days. Any individual whose membership in the Association has been revoked must submit a new application for membership to the Membership Committee for its consideration, no less than one year from the date of revocation. When considering such an application the Committee shall give weight to the former member’s compliance with the terms and conditions of any assessed former disciplinary action, whether or not the individual currently meets the requirements for membership in a membership category and whether or not re-admission of the individual is in the best interest of the Association. The findings of the Committee, both pro and con, shall be presented to the Executive Committee for acceptance or rejection of the application.

B. Membership and disciplinary decisions shall be final, and there shall be no appeal.

Article XIII Profits and Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution

No member shall ever receive any dividends or personal financial benefits from the undertakings of the Association except those openly engaged in supplying

products or services to the members or contracted for such. All Association profits derived, if any, shall be maintained by the Association and be used solely and exclusively for the advancement of the Association and its goals. Upon dissolution of this organization, all of the Association’s assets remaining after payment of all costs, debts and expenses of such dissolution shall be distributed to organizations which have qualified for exemption under the Federal Internal Revenue Code, presently §501 (c)(3), or to the Federal Government or to a State of local government for a like public purpose, as determined by the Executive Committee, and none of the assets shall be distributed to any member, officer, employee, committee member or trustee of the Association unless for the reimbursement of an Association debt.



Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved

P.O. Box 21158
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33335-1158
Phone: (954) 278-9459

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